Board Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS)

Top Doctors

Inside Jersey Top Doctors 2014

Dr. Becker was once again named one of New Jersey’s top doctors in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.

Dr. Becker is also Top Doctor in Philadelphia Magazine, where he was one of only 3 doctors to receive this designation for rhinoplasty and the only one to receive this designation for revision rhinoplasty.

As Clinical Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Becker is also part of a US News and World Report top-rated team.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Becker and see for yourself why he rated a Top Doctor in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.

Philadelphia Top Doctors 2013

“Top Doc” 2013-2018

One of only 3 doctors to receive the “Top Doctor” Designation for Rhinoplasty in Philadelphia Magazine in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018; and the only doctor to receive this designation for Revision Rhinoplasty in 2014 and 2015.

ASJ Cover

“Dr. Becker wins award for the best journal article by an American Author in the “Aesthetic Surgery Journal” during the 2010 calendar year. This honor was awarded to Dr. Becker by the Aesthetic Society and the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation. Dr. Becker’s Article was titled “Surgical Treatment of Nasal Obstruction.”

US News Cover

National Top 10 Rating

by US News and World Report – Since 1997 through the present, Dr. Becker has been a faculty member of the Department of ENT at PENN, specializing in nasal and sinus surgery. During that time, US News and World Report has consistently given a NATIONAL TOP 10 rating to this team.

Philadelphia Cover

"Top Doc"

Since 2003, Dr. Becker has been rated a “TOP DOC” in his Metropolitan area. As a Philadelphia Surgeon, he was rated a Top Doc in Rhinoplasty by Philadelphia Magazine. Upon becoming a New Jersey Rhinoplasty Surgeon, he has been named Top Doc every year by South Jersey Magazine.

Top Doc South Jersey

“Top Doc” In South Jersey Magazine 2004-2016

“TOP DOCTOR” – Member of Marquis Who’s Who 2005-2016, and Member of “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” 2007-2016″.

Who's Who

Marquis Who’s Who

Shell File

America’s Top Surgeons

Becker Castle Connolly - Top Doctors
“Dr. Becker was chosen as a Top Doctor for 2012 by Castle Connolly.”
Rinoplastua de revisión

Revision Rhinoplasty

Textbook translated into Spanish.

Turkish Revision Rhinoplasty
Author of Revision Rhinoplasty translated into Turkish.
10th International

Invited Guest Speaker to the AAFPRS International Rhinoplasty Course in Chicago, May 2011.

Rhinoplasty Co-Director and Lecturer at the 10th International Facial Plastic Surgery Symposium in Hollywood Florida.

Invited Lecturer at the AAFPRS Fall Meeting in Boston, September 2010.
AE Journal 2003
Member Of The Interdisciplinary Advisory Panel Of The Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
Patent on Instrumentation for Facial Plastic Surgery Developed New Instrumentation for Rhinoplasty.
Home Study Course
Co-Director of the Facial Plastic Section of Continuing Education for Otolaryngologists – the Home Study Course.
Invited Author for Continuing Education Program for Plastic Surgeons on the Subject of Rhinoplasty.
Facial Plastic Surgery Cover
Facial Plastic Surgery Dr. Becker was the co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal Facial Plastic Surgery from 1999-2005.
Facial Plastic Surgery Book Cover
Author of Chapter on Open versus Closed Rhinoplasty in Textbook on Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery.
Teacher of Honour Cover

“Teacher of Honour” at the 16th International Course in Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques and Symposium on Revision Rhinoplasty in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Becker has also been an international guest speaker in Japan, Sweden, Canada, and elsewhere, and regularly lectures throughout the United States

Cutting Edge Cover
Featured Guest Lecturer on Rhinoplasty at the “Advances in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: The Cutting Edge VII” in New York City.
Rhinology World Cover
Director of Rhinoplasty Section of Rhinology World 2009, an International Course with over 1000 attendees in Philadelphia on April 15-19th.
Clinics Cover
Guest Editor of Clinics of North America on the subject of “Surgical Treatment of Nasal Obstruction” Facial Plastic Surgery Perspective”.
Aesthetic Cover
“On the Nose ” – Aesthetic Book 2006, Are you ready for the new rhinoplasty?
Philadelphia Top Doctors 2014

Philadelphia Top Doctors 2014

One of only 3 doctors to receive the “Top Doctor” Designation for Rhinoplasty in Philadelphia Magazine in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the only doctor to receive this designation for Revision Rhinoplasty in 2014.
Read Dr. Becker’s free online book that will guide through the process of selecting the right surgeon for your specific needs.

Revision Rhinoplasty

International New York 2013-001

Dr. Becker in the News

Guest Speaker at International Facial Plastic Surgery Conference in NYC 2014.
Rome 2012
Guest Speaker at International Facial Plastic Surgery Conference in Rome 2012.
Milano Masterclass
Guest Speaker at International Facial Plastic Surgery Conference in Milano, Italy.

Dr. Becker is at the forefront of revision rhinoplasty surgery.

Becker Castle Connolly - Top Doctors
“Dr. Becker was chosen as a Top Doctor for 2012 by Castle Connolly.”
ASJ Cover

“Dr. Becker wins award for the best journal article by an American Author in the “Aesthetic Surgery Journal” during the 2010 calendar year. This honor was awarded to Dr. Becker by the Aesthetic Society and the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation. Dr. Becker’s Article was titled “Surgical Treatment of Nasal Obstruction.”

Facial Plastic Surgery Cover
Facial Plastic Surgery Dr. Becker was the co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal Facial Plastic Surgery from 1999-2005.
Teacher of Honour Cover

“Teacher of Honour” at the 16th International Course in Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques and Symposium on Revision Rhinoplasty in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Cutting Edge Cover
Featured Guest Lecturer on Rhinoplasty at the “Advances in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: The Cutting Edge VII” in New York City. The Severely Twisted Nose
Rhinology World Cover

Director of Rhinoplasty Section of Rhinology World 2009, an International Course with over 1000 attendees in Philadelphia on April 15-19th.

Clinics Cover
Guest Editor of Clinics of North America on the subject of “Surgical Treatment of Nasal Obstruction” Facial Plastic Surgery Perspective”.
Dr. Becker has been noted in the news for his expertise. Some highlights are listed here:
Aesthetic Cover

“On the Nose ” – Aesthetic Book 2006,
Are you ready for the new rhinoplasty?

Philadelphia Cover

“TOP DOC” – Philadelphia Magazine 2003, for Cosmetic and Reconstructive Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty).

US News Cover
US News and World Report – From 1997-2003, Dr. Becker was a full-time faculty member of the Department of ENT at PENN, where he specialized in nasal and sinus surgery. During that time, US News and World Report consistently gave a NATIONAL TOP 10 rating to this team.