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*All patients are unique and individual results may vary.

While there are stereotypes about the typical “Italian” nose, the typical “Jewish nose,” the typical Asian nose, and so forth, in my practice I have seen many Asians with a so-called “Caucasian nose,” and vice versa. I have seen enough exceptions to the rule that I no longer spend so much energy focused on the rule! As seen by the accompanying photos, certain Asian ethnic sub-groups have thinner skin, more refined and defined nasal tips, and even nasal humps!

While these generalizations can be a useful way of categorizing and communicating, ultimately what is most important is the patient’s specific anatomy – your specific anatomy. If the specific patient in my office fits the “general rule,” then that is fine. But, more than likely (as we are all unique) the patient’s nose will deviate from the general rule in some way.

So, I prefer to talk about the thick-skinned nose, the wide nose, the flat nose. The treatment of these problems is the same regardless of race, religion or creed!