
What Is Computer Imaging For Nose Surgery

Discover how computer imaging for nose surgery at Becker Rhinoplasty Center can help you visualize results before your rhinoplasty.
Side-by-side comparison of a woman's face before and after rhinoplasty, illustrating computer imaging results.
Computer imaging for nose surgery helps patients visualize potential outcomes before the procedure.

One of the most common questions a rhinoplasty surgeon gets asked is, ‘what is computer imaging for nose surgery, and how can it help me?’. In this article, we’re going to take a look at what computer imaging is, how it works, and how it can help you reach an informed decision about your nose surgery.

What Is Computer Imaging?

Computer technology is becoming more advanced by the day, and many leading surgeons are now using it to help themselves and their patients. One such example is computer imaging. Pictures are taken of the patient, and fed into the computerized system. This process takes around 15 – 20 minutes. After this, the image can be manipulated to show the potential outcomes of different rhinoplasty procedures.

How Can Computer Imaging Help Me?

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, there’s something about your nose that you’re unhappy with. You recognize that rhinoplasty can correct this, so you contact a top plastic surgeon. What you may not be sure of is how your nose will look after surgery, or what exactly you want doing to you your nose? This is where computer imaging is so useful.

The patient and the doctor will look at the images together, and form a consensus on what needs to be done. To get the best results from a rhinoplasty procedure, it’s essential that both patient and surgeon have a shared goal, and are on the same page. Computer imaging is a great, modern way to achieve this.

What Can I See Using Computer Imaging?

The computer imaging software can show a front on view, or a profile view. The profile view is the most useful for patients, as it can illustrate the effects of some of the most common rhinoplasty procedures. As an example, a patient may tell their surgeon that they want the bump reducing on their nose. By using computer imaging, this instruction can become much more precise. The surgeon will use the software to show bump reductions stage by stage, and the patient can show the surgeon exactly how much they want removing. SHOWN HERE is a patient before surgery, middle picture is the computer imaging picture, and on the right is the after surgery photo.

Before Rhinoplasty Philadelphia
Imaging Preview Rhinoplasty Philadelphia
After Rhinoplasty Philadelphia

Patients may say that their nose is too fat, full, or bulbous. By using the software, the surgeon can be shown exactly how thin the patient wishes it to be after the rhinoplasty. The software is very sophisticated, and the images it produces are very life like. Patients can use it if they their nose more or less projected, if they want their nose to be more or less turned up, or if they want the bridge of their nose to be straight or concave.

Another example of a patient BEFORE PHOTO, Computer Imaging Photo, and AFTER SURGERY PHOTO is shown here.

Before rhinoplasty Philadelphia
Imaging Preview Rhinoplasty Philadelphia
After Rhinoplasty Philadelphia

How Computer Imaging Is Used During Nose Surgery

Once the patient has agreed, using the computerized image, exactly how they want their nose to be, the surgeon can print out the images. They will spend some time studying the images, and getting to know them. The images can then be fastened to the walls of the operating theater, and referred to throughout the surgical process. Ideally, any primary rhinoplasty patient who wants to improve their results or nasal function is a candidate for revision rhinoplasty.

Will The Images Show Me What I’ll Look Like After Nose Surgery?

As stated earlier, the images shown are very lifelike, and very helpful. It’s important, however, that a patient realizes that the picture is not a factual representation of what their nose will look like post-surgery. What they are, however, is a fantastic communication tool, to be used alongside an initial consultation. Computer imaging is making nose surgery more effective than ever, and ensuring that patients get what they’re really looking for.
Dr Becker always likes to use computer imaging before carrying out rhinoplasty procedures. To find out more, or to arrange a consultation, contact him today.